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The 2 main priorities for the company's was intuitive storytelling, leading to high audience retention and a clearly defined problem statement, which strenghtens the impact of the company's vision.

After comprehensive research, a strategy was devised to establish a compelling emotional narrative that deeply connects and engages the audience. 

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Problem Statement:


The problem is defined qualitatively with regard to traditional schooling
Purple: Students needs

Orange: Schools' offering

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Pitch Deck Cover
Pitch Deck Slide 2

Problem Statement:

The same problem is quantified with real-time statistics
We want the problem to be relatable to the audience

Opportunity Highlighted:

Addressing each of the 4 categorised problems
Purple: Students' needs

Orange: Schools' Offering
Green: Opportunity Areas

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Pitch Deck Slide 4

Opportunity Areas:

Real-time Tech capability to serve the opportunity
We want the workings of the company easily explained and not be intimidating

Solution Presented:

Introducing how the opportunity areas translate into the solution 
Company's product using existing technology taps into opportunity area and solves the defined problem statement

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Pitch Deck Slide 6

Proof of Concept:

The student's success is validated in real-time 
This adds an element of confidence and clarity of converting vision into reality

Pitch Deck Slide 7

*Financials and Business Model Hidden for Confidentiality Purposes

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